This record group contains: faculty records, including records from the Faculty Association (changed to Faculty and Staff Association in 1973) and the Faculty Wives Club (Changed to Association of Women of Canisius College, Fall 1978); records of Jesuits & Non-Jesuits; faculty handbooks, statistics, and norms of status and welfare, etc.; research grants to faculty; faculty rank and tenure information; records concerning faculty Academic Freedom and Academic Freedom at Canisius College; information concerning retirement & emerti (i.e. qualifications, privileges, etc.); Salary information; information concerning faculty Sabbaticals, Vacations, Etc.; information concerning faculty awards and citations; information on deceased faculty; records of the Faculty Senate, including the Faculty Welfare and Status Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, Student Liaison Committee, and the Evaluations Review and Appeals Committee; records of the AAUP; Faculty Meetings materials; faculty publications; records from Committees of Faculty, including Research and Publications committee, Rank and Tenure committee, Honors Program committee, Fitzpatrick Chair committee, Polish Chair committee, Financial Aid committee, Pre-Law Counseling committee, Health Science Advisory and Evaluation committee, and the Faculty Symposium for Improved Teaching committee (prior to 1982 there were more faculty committees, but these committees are either not operating or are filed elsewhere; and records of Department Chairmen.